Hello and welcome, I am Tina Quillen and I'm so glad you stopped by. To tell you a little about myself, I would probably have to start at the beginning. For as long as I can remember I've had a camera in my hand. It started as a young girl when my parents would let me take pictures with their old Brownie camera. I know that is dating myself, but it's true. When I got to High School, it didn't take me long to join the yearbook club. I went on to marry and have 2 amazing children. My boys were very athletic and of course there I was with a camera in hand as most of you moms are. The next progression was opening my first studio and eventually a second. Weddings, Boudoir and Portraiture is where I hung out for the next 12 years. With a wonderful opportunity to sell my studio, I took it. After total exhaustion, for the next year I put my camera down. I guess I needed time to regroup and enjoy my family, my grandchildren, but I never stopped loving it, in fact, I probably love it more today then ever in my life. Since my husband and I own an RV, we get to travel, and in our travels I started to learn landscape photography, but when my wonderful husband bought me a macro lens for my birthday, that is when a whole new big bright world opened up to me. So today, this is where I find myself. It has made me look at the world differently. I can't explain it, but I physically get a fuzzy warm feeling when I see a great image through my lens, and it doesn't stop there, when I add an artistic flair to that image, I mean, there are no words to describe. I hope you enjoy. Tina